Friday, March 2, 2012

Signs of a Serious Relationship.

As I grow older, I don't want to waste any time by having a stupid puppy love, an unsure relationship. Yes, puppy love makes us pretty happy but sooner or later you're going to waste your tears just like that. And, I'm sick of it.

If you'd like to be sure you're not kidding yourself when you imagine the two of you together in the future - look to the little things he does, not the big showy romantic gestures. Sometimes, those little things make you feel so sure about your love future.

Some of the obvious signs are :

  • He's nice to your friends - From the moment he met your friends he made an effort to remember all their names. Now that you've been dating a while, he's considered one of the gang. He talks to your pals about everything from boy troubles to cramps and makes an effort to say all the right things. Don't presume that being such a SNAG is his second nature, any man who makes an effort to win over his girlfriend's posse wants to keep her happy and to be around her as much as he possibly can.
  • He turns up on time When he says he's going to be there on the dot at 8pm, he's never more than a few minutes late. And on the rare occasion he is held up he pays you the courtesy of calling so you don't have to needlessly rush to get ready. This kind of punctuality might seem an insignificant thing but it speaks volumes about his respect for you. It shows that he cares about what you think of him so he wants to demonstrate he's reliable.
  • He tunes in to your every word When you're in a mid conversation at the cafe he doesn't play with the fork nor is he distracted by the conversation at the next table. His eyes barely leave your face because he is hanging on every thing you say. He doesn't dominate the discussion by interrupting, finishing your sentences or taking the conversation in a new direction. He is genuinely listening! It is clear in the way he laughs sincerely when you tell him something funny and responds to what you are saying by giving you is opinions on the subject, making helpful suggestions and sharing his own similar stories.
  • His friends know all about you And it's not just the usual body talk like how gorgeous you are or what bra size you wear. They know what car you drive, what you do for a living, that you love japanese food but can't drink red wine because you get a rash. It's not like thay've been asking for these details - it's just that he can't stop talking about you 24/7!
  • He brings up the "F" word Not that one - the other F word - fidelity. Just when you're worried that he might think you're dating with no strings attached he says "I want to be clear what we're doing here - I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend and to me that means being faithful to each other. Do you feel the same way?" With an enormous sense of relief and elation you say "yes" to being his girl  and each pledge fidelity, your mutual trust and intimacy immediately grows. It's official: He considers you a couple.
  • He takes an interest in your interests -  When a guy falls for you in a big way he'll want to know everything about you and that includes a full understanding of your likes and dislikes. If your hobby is collecting retro furniture he'll have the good grace to feign interest when you spend all afternoon scouring second hand shops - although he'd rather be home working on his car. Don't worry - he's not becoming a "yes" man - he's simply trying to get closer to you in every part of your life - and sharing your interests is an obvious way to do it.
  • He calls for no reason -  "Hi, what are you up to?"; "I thought I'd let you know I made a reservation for dinner as I said I would and it's at 8 o'clock like we agreed" are the kind of comments that give away the real motive for this kind of call; he misses you; is head over heels for you and; can't go one more second without speaking to you. While you talk he ignores all incoming calls and signs off "I can't wait to see you again." Give him extra points for thoughtfulness if he calls you at work and is sensitive enough to realize you can't chat so he says "I won't keep you because I know you're busy but I just needed to hear your voice."
  • He asks for your opinion In just about every decision he makes, from which shirt to wear to a job interview to which kind of car he should buy, he solicits your opinion. This indicates that he respects what you have to say and that he believes you not only have good judgement but have skills, abilities and insights that can help him improve his life.

His humbleness made me fall for him.

There are numerous of a serious relationship signs and why I chose several of them? The reasons are ..
  1. He's nice to my friends - I can see that when he paid his attention with my best friend's love problems. He also remember one of my friends name which I forgot if I ever told him the story between the friend and me.
  2. He turns up on time - Yes, he turns up on time, always, every-time. In fact, he arrives earlier than me, most of the times. He never asked me to rush, unless if I late for class.
  3. He tunes in to my every word - He's a good listener and I love to  share my stories with him. I feel appreciated.
  4. His friends know all about me - There's one time where he said he wanted to bring me to his buddies. Well, I can assume that his friends knew about me.
  5. He brings up the "F" words - Fidelity means faithfulness & loyalty. He used to tell me that no matter how many girls are close to him, I'm the one he always chase. He might likes many girls but the one he loves is only me :')
  6. He takes an interest in my interests - He knew that I love to shop anything that aesthetically luxury but affordable. There's once I really really had no idea which shoes I should buy and he chose the one that fit my taste perfectly. Plus, I like to have 'nasi ayam' in Dewan Makan Indera Mulia  & Secret Recipe's Tom Yum Kung, and he never get bored having them too, over and over again. As the result, both of us gained weight together :p
  7. He calls for no reason - He called me even though he knew  I'm having loads of works in the office. He even gave me his calls although he knew that I'm in car with my family. I used to scold him by doing so but  now I understand why he did that.
  8. He asks for my opinion - He asked me where to have our lunch & dinner. He asked me about his works, do they looked okay to me or not. He asked me about our future path. 
P/s : I'm so happy to have you, Firdaus :')

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cute Drinking Water Bottle Design.

I went to the kitchen, looking for something sweet to eat, or drink. I had to put something in my mouth. Then, I found these small-sized bottles of drinking water. They're super-cute. Check this out :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

9GAG made my day.

I was super-bored as my boyfriend too busy with his tasks. So, I need to entertain myself disturbing him. Haha, see what I've done :D

*please open in a new tab for a clearer vision, thanks.

P/s : Sorry, I miss you, and I just want to grab your attention :)

The Mines.

I love to shop but I didn't shop here. What I like more is the cruise, also known as the Water Taxi tour. There's a few packages for this tour. I chose the cheap one, MINES South Lake Tour which costed me RM22.00. The duration is approximately 20 minutes cruise tour and the route includes MINES Cruise Main Jetty and The South Lake only. For more info, please click here :)

Well, I can say that the service is nice, I like how the conductor talked about what they got around the lake. The water taxi also quite cozy. I enclose herewith some photos from the cruise.

This is the South Lake.

These fish were craving for their food. Don't forget to feed them.

And I'm feeding myself with Tutti Frutti :D

This house belongs to A. Kadir Syeikh Fadzir (bekas Menteri Pelancongan).
How much does it cost?

Look, who's coming?

These swans are imported from China which cost around RM2k each.
Btw, they're so beautiful :)

P's : What I love the most is the swans. They're pretty friendly :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Malacca, The Hotel.

The last time I visited Malacca, I stayed in Mahkota Hotel. For more info, please click here.

There's only two things that I love about hotel, which I don't have on my own. The bathtub & the pool. Clearly, I love water, it makes me feel cold and I do enjoy it very much, teehee :)

Look at le 'Pink Power Ranger Auntie' :D

P/s : I like 9gag.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Malacca looks beautiful at night.

Malacca or 'Melaka' is known as a historical city. The name is taken from a tree called 'pokok Melaka'. To read more, you can visit this web.

Well, I'm not really into history thingy, and History subject is what I hate during secondary school. What I want to put in contrast here is Bandar Hilir, Malacca looks really beautiful when night comes, with dots of colorful lights everywhere. And why I prefer having sight-seeing at night is because there's no Sun ray that could kills us to sweat, teehee. Together with this post are some photos that I took at Bandar Hilir :)

Le me at the Melaka River Cruise.

Melaka River Cruise.

This is Venice. Both Venice and Melaka River Cruise look alike, am I right?

Having my trip with these people that I love.

The motive of this photo: "She's cute, awwww .."

Menara Taming Sari.

Muzium Samudera Melaka.

 And this is my favorite shot :
Father and brother, of mine :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pure Sadness.

They knew each other for two years. From close friends, they believed they have something special called 'love'. He loves her, she loves him too. Everyday, they go to class together, have their meals together, everything went very well. He helped  her alot in study, full with patience. She wouldn't know how to thank him more. They had believe what is meant for them. The guy also introduced his girlfriend to his family. The girl did the same thing too. Everything seems perfect.

Then, this one semester  break came and changed everything, completely. The girlfriend managed to get the offer for fast track and she's going to pursue her study in a different place, without him around. Anymore. The guy keeps himself busy with classes and assignments, so the girlfriend too, had her internship in an Interior Design company. It's pretty hard but they managed to survive. All they need is only faith. Once a month, they meet each other. To release all the yearning that burden their hearts.

The girl had four days off, the boyfriend too. They planned to see each other on the third day. And the girl, asked permission from her mum, like a week before the date. Her mum said yes and she'll talk to dad later. Two days later, the girl told her mum where she planned to go with her guy. But she refused. It's okay, the girl's going to plan somewhere nearer. Four days before the date, the girl text-ed her mum that she would like to have a date in a mall, just want to have their meal  together and helps him with his assignment. Her mum said NO and she didn't understand why. She did say 'YES', then what's with the 'NO'?
Her mum added, "it was dad  who didn't give the permission. You've changed alot since you knew that guy. I've raised you to be a good daughter for so many  years but it's too easy for the stranger to influence your mind. However, I'll try my best to take good care of this gift from Allah". Since then, her mum didn't look her in the eyes, anymore.
Her dad came to his sad little girl, he gave a soft pat on her shoulder, "please be patient, I understand exactly how you feel, dear. It's mum who didn't let me give my permission. Don't blame me. Please tell your guy, don't blame me". The girl burst in tears. How could her mum lied to her? She was totally disappointed with the truth.

It was Friday, the guy went to perform his Friday prayer. He was so happy as he's going to go back to his home in Kuala Lumpur. And, the happier   reason for his smile was he's going to have a date with his girl in three days, he couldn't wait any longer.
He finished his Friday prayer at quarter past two and he had a train to catch at 3.00pm. Realized that he's going to miss the train, he rushed to get to the station in time, his housemate drove him there. Worse to worst, they unfortunately met an accident. Although it's not their fault, they had to pay 200 bucks, which he didn't have any penny left in his pocket. Luckily, his friend came to solve the problem. The clock was ticking, the continued their journey. When they're about to arrive the station, the guy saw his train coming, so he jumped out of the car before his friend got the chance to press the brake. He ran by his heart towards the train, left his friend without  having any sec to say anything. Thank God, he safely got into the train. Only then he called his friends for thousands of thanks and sorry. He promised to pay back the 200 bucks later. 

When night came, he received a call from his sweetheart, crying tremendously. Slowly, she told him  what happened between her and her mum. The guy pretended to be okay but he failed to hide his sadness. He told her how hard to go back here and it didn't worth what he had faced earlier. Both cried over the cruel fate.

*I put this photo because I like Chuck Bass.

" Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall .."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's on my mind?

Today, I got day-off. I was like pretty bored in home, with no car to get me anywhere. I got to work on something. And I did something .. for my beloved guy, who's far away in Perak. This is for you :

Okay, semangat kan ?

P/s : Please open in new tab for a clearer vision, thank you.

My Dream Marriage.

I know, I'm still young. But my biggest dream is to marry my love of the lifetime, as soon as I can. Even Islam encouraged marriage at young age, a  halal relationship is what i crave for. Marriage is like a ticket to an eternal happiness :)

I've been looking for the right wedding theme. Light blue and classic are cool, look what i found:

Yes, it's super cool. I can't wait to have that beautiful day any longer.

P/s : Saja mengada-ngada tapi benda baik buat apa dilambat-lambatkan, betul tak?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Closed Reunion.

Secondary school, I don't really miss it because it's a time where I was being super-stupid. But people did mistakes to learn about life. But sometimes, it's just a heavy burden of regrets. Everyone had their own dark time kann? Enough with that, lets move to something called 'reunion'.

   Reunion, we had our own perspective about it. Maybe we did avoid attending it, or to make it clearer, we're avoiding someone, some friends. But we can't run forever. Once we're in a reunion, we'll realize that it helps us to flashback some memories that won't come back anymore. We'll realize how much we miss our old friends that now you don't really have much time to spend with anymore. 

   Arief, a good friend of mine is going to pursue his study in France this April, he asked me and some friends for a meet up and dinner. The mood was awkward but later, it's getting warmer. We talked and laughed alot. Oh my, I started to miss my school life, there's beauty of friendship that I've tried very hard to forget.

Briefing on how to order by Aqmal.

From left: Yanie, Aqmal, Arief and me.

Arief, we're gonna miss you.

Having fun with Siri. She got terrible hearing problem -__-

Hot Chocolate, it tastes like baby's chocolate flavored milk.

Food. Nando's.

His typical face.


Proud to wear long sleeves.

Syaza is a great photographer.

P/s : I do miss you guys, good luck for Arief :')

Congrats Puan Nadya :)

She is my favorite lecturer, I adore her way in approaching her students. She made us super comfortable whenever with her and also good in motivating her students. She's nice, really nice.
On 22/01/2012, I went to her wedding reception. It's beautiful, her peach and turquoise smooth touch.

The newly wed couple having their dishes. 

Look at the decoration around the guestbook, it's lovely.

Mum, she's with me too. I love you mum :D

Gift from the reception.

P/s : Congrats Puan Nadya, it's pretty awkward to mention "Puan" before your name :p

Jacob and Jill got the sweetest dance.

Have you watched "Live To Dance"? Have you watched the audition? I knew it's been a long time but I still like to watch this sweet pair of special friends, their dance in the audition. They're really made my heart throbbing more than usual. Check this out :)

P/s : Every time I watch this, I feel like I'm in a completely different world, okay, over :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Souvenir from London :)

Last two days, Tengku called my name, I went into his room.
"This is for you" ..

That's a very nice of you Tengku, you really know how to appreciate your staffs. You knew how to make them  work happily for you, what a nice employer. Thank you :')

Monday, January 2, 2012

Jogging, jogging. Hiyahh!

Girls always care about their weight, I'm also one of them but I never worry too much. It's just that I'm scared of being pot-bellied. Teehee. So my mum had picked one fine morning to jog (which we had left for years) at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. But we're not seriously jog, just want to have fun. My nippy brothers and cousin joined the club too :)

 Here we are.

 Mum doing ballet?

 My mum is freaking cute :D

 My brother needs love.

 Cewahh ..

 Mum vs. Brother

Can you believe we're holding hands while playing football?

Sweet brothers, and sister too :p

Okay, saya nak main juga :D



I want to have my date here, boleh?

make a gif
It's been very fun.

Goodbye, Taman Tasik Titiwangsa :)

P/s: I would like to wish you happy new year and do your very best to catch your dreams, I love you :)