Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fever, fever. Go awayy ..

I've been very busy as i started my non-official training in Illya de France Sdn Bhd. What a hectic days to get through. But, I started to like what I'm doing after Tengku treated me with TGI Friday's :D
On the next day, I started to cough and sneeze. When night came, my dear Mak brought me to see the doctor. I was confirmed by her that I got fever and  she gave me an MC :)

My boyfie intimidated me.

My MC.

My meds.

 I hate it alot.

Look, how scary it is. And it tastes like disaster.

Fever, please go away.

P/s: I like it when my mum feed me with the drugs but i hate it when the drugs make me shiver non-stop.

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