Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Bornday to Me :)

25th December 2011, my birthday finally arrived, haha. On this beautiful day, I've celebrated it with my mum, ONLY. That was the saddest part as the rests didn't want to join us at the KLCC :(
Mak, thanks for making my day extra-special. I love you higher than mountain and deeper than the sea. Muahh!
 My birthday cake, only a slice.

 Dine at Secret Recipe, Suria KLCC.

 Along the journey,

 Only my mum and me.

 The first wisher but alas, not my boyfie.

MNG & VINCCI accessories for me :D

 Suria KLCC, 25/12/11.

Mum, thanks for all these, I love you moreee ;)

Mak, you're the best mother ever :D

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fever, fever. Go awayy ..

I've been very busy as i started my non-official training in Illya de France Sdn Bhd. What a hectic days to get through. But, I started to like what I'm doing after Tengku treated me with TGI Friday's :D
On the next day, I started to cough and sneeze. When night came, my dear Mak brought me to see the doctor. I was confirmed by her that I got fever and  she gave me an MC :)

My boyfie intimidated me.

My MC.

My meds.

 I hate it alot.

Look, how scary it is. And it tastes like disaster.

Fever, please go away.

P/s: I like it when my mum feed me with the drugs but i hate it when the drugs make me shiver non-stop.

Friday, December 2, 2011

From my mum's flower pots.

"When you're a small girl, you love to pick some flowers every morning", said an aunt who knew me since my childhood. And YES, I love flowers till now, such an ordinary girl. They are beautiful, lovely too.

I'm happy that my mum loves to plant flowers, our small garden are filled up with her flowers. And I want to share with you some photos from my mum's flower pot's.

And, this is my mum. I love you, always :)

p/s: Mak, you're an awesome planter, thumbs up!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

KL Bird Park.

20/11/2011, it was a relaxed morning. When my friends were struggling packing their things up to go back to Perak (as their class started the very next day), I went to KL Bird Park. What a beautiful day, even though just by visiting this bird park. From all the photos, these are my favourites;

Chicken, maybe.

I like this furry flower.

From left: my mum and aunt feed them with Twisties, awesome!

Dear peafowl, i like you the most ;)

To my friends in Perak, I hope you guys always be the best and I'm gonna miss you :')